Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cost results are in!

Received my Edison TOU (Time Of Use) meter bill yesterday.
TOU is the separate meter installed by Edison to monitor the power consumption of the 240 volt 40 amp charger exclusive to the Mini E.

The breakdown on the rate sheet is very complex but shows the percentage of sources behind the power you used. almost 25% was provided by DWR (Department of water Resources)

The Bill, including the $15 account setup charge, totals $91.14.
$76.14 is the cost the electricity I used in the process of driving over 1200 miles since installing the meter. (I've deducted the mileage driven the day I used 'New Deal's charger to recharge mid-run to Hollywood)

This works out to fractions more than .06 cents per mile for "fuel" (electricity).

Add the cost of the lease (which I don't pay till next month) the total cost, including lease, for the next 1200 miles (one month) will be around .83 cents per mile.

Compare this to the $1.84 it has cost (fuel and cost of vehicle) me to drive a mile in my 'other' vehicle (F250 Diesel, it's paid for now, so I'll keep it for the occasional hauling/towing trip)

To "fuel" 1200 miles in my other vehicle (@.1875 cents per mile @$3 per gallon) would have cost at least $225.

My fuel saving, this month, is nearly $150!

Add to this saving, the JOY I feel while driving the CLEANEST, least polluting, car on the planet.

I'm a Happy Boy!


  1. Great post - thanks. Some of us in NJ are just now getting those charge boxes installed so I look forward to seeing what I save over dino juice, gas and diesel.

  2. Hi I'm Robert from TwistyBlitz. I have just added your blog to my website.
    If interested go here...

    I am doing a 4 part MINI E post from my interviews with 3 west coast lessees at my blog and will be offering tshirts and badges at my online store this week.

    Hope you will stop by, RB

  3. If they really make you give it back after a year, we are doing a series of videos on how to convert a 2009 Mini Cooper Clubman to electric drive. You can do your own.

    Jack Rickard
