Saturday, September 5, 2009

Run to Zero

Arrived home with 8 miles left on the Range Estimate readout, so  decided to take it down and try to find zero.

After hitting the 'dashed line' meaning no range left, I flipped to % and found I had 2% left in the battery.
I continued to drive, at 30 and 40 miles an hour till I finally found 0% on the Battery and --------- on the range readouts.

I was still doing 30 miles an hour.

Not wanting to have to push it I headed for the barn and arrived with 0% and --------- after about 8 miles of driving.

Parked it, let it sit about half an hour, checked again and I found 2% in the Battery with still -------range.

Turned him back on, turned on the headlights, as it was now after dark and went for another drive.

After about 3 miles and 0% and -------- readouts I decided to head home again for the same reason as above.

This photo shows 0%, ------ range and I am doing 30 mph with the headlights on!
Finally, I never found absolute zero, I went fully ten miles beyond 0% and ------- range and still had enough to do 30 miles an hour. Performance definitely slacked off the nearer I got to 0% but I was still able to travel at legal speeds and stay out of the way.
I parked COOPER E, plugged him in and today I'm off again with a full tank!
This is COOPER E's new front badge, a custom EEU front plate!

Love this car!

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. I've done the same thing and had the same result. I'm curious just how far can the car go once the range and charge % read 0. I have probably driven 6 or 7 miles under these conditions at low speed 30-35mph and still had power to spare. I want to push it and see how far it will go but I don't want to be the one that has to get towed home. I have a long driveway (300+ feet) and it's uphill, so I'm arfaid it wont make it up if I depleat the battery too much. It is good to know that we can go for a few a miles after the gauge reads 0 though.
